Monday, July 9, 2012

Goin' Sour

Well we said we were going to do it and we did, Sour Ales in Corpus Christi!!!  We are very proud to be the first brewers in South Texas and one of only a few in Texas that produce ales with these characteristics.  Many a sour has been made at home and the general response that I get when sour ale is offered is "Sour?”  Yes, sour, refreshingly sour!!! Sour ales are generally dry, and consequently refreshing and easy to drink.  Other breweries avoid these beers because of the time and effort that go in to brewing and aging them along with a general misunderstand of the style.  Well, I’ll tell ya, we certainly understand and love this style.  The first sour ale to hit the taps is our Sour Raspberry Porter.  Subtle chocolate and raspberry notes are present with a dry tart finish. Let this beer warm up to really explore its complexity.  This is a onetime offering and it won't last long so don’t delay.  Come be a part of South Texas brewing history and Get Crafty Drink Local!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Oyster Stout

Warm summer nights, salt in the air, the gulf on the horizon

Living on the gulf coast is truly a gift.  Sure it gets hot, and we all know that is an understatement, but having nature in your backyard is inspiring.  Sitting on a porch eating fresh seafood, drinking good beer is something we at B&J's are all about. 

This past weekend I was sitting on a dilapidated couch in a friend’s back yard (par usual around these parts) shucking gulf coast oysters enjoying a well-balanced American Pale Ale.  This felt right. Head Brewer Kyle was trying to get them all on the BBQ pit before I could eat them all.  I think he won the race, but I got my fill.  There is something special about all things local such as Gulf Coast oysters, growing a garden, shopping local, eating local and of course drinking local.  This is what we are meant to do.  Don’t rush, relax, have a conversation, enjoy a nice meal, and maybe a beer or two.  It’s time to get back to the basics.  Hmmm, where was I? All dem’ oysters must really make a man ramble.... 

With all that being said those Oysters on the pit must have inspired a brewer to make beer with oysters.  Now, before you cast yer' judgment, let’s take some time and go back in brewistory:

Historically oysters were an abundant source of food.  So abundant that many pubs gave them away for free, kind of like peanuts these days.  Did I mention oysters are an aphrodisiac?  Now during this time period the most popular beer was the Stout, later replaced by the pale ale, but that is a different story.  Now all these stouts and oysters got some brewers thinkin', and typically once ideas are mentioned in a brewery they become reality, and in this case beer with oysters. 

A beer brewed on the Gulf Coast with Gulf Coast oysters, come on Get Crafty Drink Local!  Stay tuned for this local treat in the coming weeks.